Friday, October 14, 2011

harvest & hunting

Summer was good to us but we are ready for the fall and everything it has to offer. We were very fortunate to have extra help when it came time to harvest the garden. Haylee, Isaiah, Bella, and Thatcher picked corn, peppers, and squash while Josh and I came behind collecting the harvest and pulling out stalks. We have thoroughly enjoyed having fresh produce all summer and already look forward to next summer when we can plant again!

Bella and Thatcher picking green, jalapeno, and chili peppers.

Bella, Isaiah, & Thatcher (Haylee too!) picking corn.

Thatcher is changing every single day. He has developed quite a personality and has a GREAT sense of humor. He laughs and makes us laugh all the time. We were reassured that he was ours (not that we had a doubt) when he got to have his first taste of carrot "Anniversay" cake a couple of weeks ago. Every year on our annivesary we enjoy carrot cake together; this year we got to share our "Anniversary" cake with Thatcher - he would have a bite, say "Mmmmm!", run around the counter and come back for more!

Now that Fall has officially arrived, the boys have been busy getting into projects. You can see that Josh has a great helper ;)

Sheet rock has been hung in the bonus room and we will be starting in the basement soon. Josh has a busy fall ahead of him - as hunting season has already begun! Tomorrow, Deacon and Indy will get to enjoy their first hunt of the season. Pheasants Beware! They have already gotten up many pheasants the past couple of weeks when we have been out walking. They are MORE than ready for the first hunt. We even got them each a new collar - camo - to start the season.

To all our friends & family, happy fall and we hope to see you soon!