Hunting has nearly ended. The hunter of the house has not given up but has thus far had quite an unsuccessful season. We have, however, entered a wonderful time of year - the HOLIDAYS! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration in Starbuck and got to help Lucy celebrate her 9th birthday with a pinata! Thatcher even got a swing or two in. He may not have the strength to break it yet, but he sure did enjoy the treats when they came out. Give him a couple of years and he'll be giving the girls a run for their money.
Following Thanksgiving, we spent the weekend celebrating Christmas with the Sherlin side of the family. Although we had a few missing family members, it was a wonderful weekend filled with good food, lots of laughs, and presents! Thatcher has already received so many great gifts for Christmas, I'm not sure what we'll do when Santa comes!
Over the Thanksgiving, (early) Christmas weekend, we were very happy to announce to our family that Thatcher is going to be a big brother. Although I think many thought it was going to happen sometime soon, I don't think anyone expected the announcement just yet.
Decorating for Christmas at our house was quite uneventful. The boys worked down in the basement with their tools while I put up the tree. Thatcher was delighted when he got back upstairs and makes sure that we have the lights on all the time. He has also taken a liking to daddy's soldiers. Lucky for us, he understands that they are special and only looks at them.
Last Friday we were blessed with a nice evening with friends. Thatcher and Lillie were able to share a wondeful meal together and continued to impress us when they did an OK job sharing toys most of the night. Don't they look like they are having a good time? Nothing beats meat, cheese, fruit and milk - except some cheesy faces, of course!
Trophy froze over a couple of weeks ago and the fish houses are already out and ready for the season. We have not yet been out but have heard some good reports and look forward to getting out there soon. This afternoon over a thousand walleye fry were released into the lake. We are hoping for a great survival rate and some great fishing in the future!

As we get closer to Christmas - the parties, the lights, the celebration of life - we are so ever thankful for all we have and all we can share.
As we get closer to Christmas - the parties, the lights, the celebration of life - we are so ever thankful for all we have and all we can share.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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