We've often wondered what Deacon and Indy are thinking but this post is not about their view on the world but their view from their new kennel location. The kennel is not yet up but Friday did mark an important day - the cement slab for the kennel was poured. We're not sure but think it would be fair to ask for rent since the view from their new home is amazing. Not only will they have a look over the lake, they will also have the option to be inside the garage or outside with the addition of their new dog door. This will definately be a change in our routine, as we are very used to moving the dogs from inside to out and outside to in, depending on the weather, time of day, etc.
Other big events at the Sherlin lot since the last post include continued work on the roof - it is almost completely constructed and much of the sheeting is in place. Another day or two and it should be entirely set and ready for shingles. Many hours in the afternoons and evenings have been spent working more on rocks and backfill. This weekend we put up the mailbox and we were able to "mostly" complete the rock wall on the northeast side of the house, near the porch. We also filled in many gaps between the boulders. It's amazing how one little hole can take so many rocks to fill - often times we had repeat trips to fill the buckets because we found that the gap was really a tunnel to the bottom and needed to be filled all the way up. We are very fortunate, however, because we were able to get rocks for filling (no scavenging this time) from our neighbors. This saved us a lot of time and effort. A few more days of rocks and we should be ready for the next project. We may even do some planting, which will make Breanna's day.
The dormers were added to the main roof and everything is getting sheeted.
Our new mailbox (the closest one) was put up on Saturday.
The rock wall on the northeast side.