The rule was that we wouldn't call it our house until the roof was completed. Now that we can call it our house, we are looking forward to calling it our home.
The last couple of weeks have been full of siding, tiles, paint, landscaping, and many other fun projects. Here are a few pictures to get you updated on where we are in the adventure that is 'building a house'.

This is the sun room wall overlooking the lake. The lower level of windows are in with the upper windows to be installed next week sometime.

Both bathroom floors are tiled - one grouted, one more to go. We rounded up some extra help for tiling and painting and are very satisfied with the results (the help and tiles and paint, of course).
Last weekend we were able to get some outside landscaping done. Edgers, rock and plants have been added and we even have a little bit of new grass making an appearance.
Deacon and Indy have already found the slab where the kennel will be and have been able to make theirselves at home - both were napping until we took the camera out, at which point Indy raised her head.
Last weekend we also planted a tree for Thatcher. We recieved a gift certificate when he was born and used it to buy a River Birch. We are very excited to see it grow and provide a little shade for us. It will also serve as a reminder of our crazy year that started with our little guy.
On a side note, Thatcher is 8 1/2 months old now. He's been working very hard on growing teeth lately and has two to show off right now. He's also getting very strong and ready to move but has yet to figure out anything but rolling. (I think maybe we're lucky that he is immobile while we're working on the house.)
Cabinets!! We are very happy with our delivery this week. The kitchen cabinets are beautiful. Soon we will also have the top row doors (waiting on the glass) and countertops.
The Sherlin boys sitting in the soon-to-be living room. I am so lucky to have two smiling boys to live with!
We are planning another eventful weekend and hope to have another update to you soon.